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L’allenamento funzionale è una delle metodologia più diffuse, efficaci e divertenti. I diversi format permettono di creare allenamenti molto vari, intensi e coinvolgenti.
Allenamenti individuali, corsi collettivi, minigruppi, l’allenamento funzionale si sposa particolarmente bene a tutte queste tipologie di lezione.
- In base a cosa scelgo un metodo piuttosto che un’altro?
- Quali sono gli esercizi fondamentali?
- Qual’è l’obbiettivo dell’allenamento funzionale ?
- Workout ad alta intensità, circuiti, corpo libero, pesi, sbarra, kettlebell….come orientarsi
Il corso ALLENAMENTO FUNZIONALE ti aiuterà ad orientarti in questo mondo davvero interessante.
Scarica subito il programma completo CLICCANDO QUI
Sezione 01 "Come funziona il corso"
1A chi si rivolge e per quale livello?Text lesson
2Come è strutturato il corso?This lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
3E se non capisco qualcosa?This lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
4DisclamerThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
Sezione 02 "Introduzione"
5Cosa significa allenamento funzionale?This lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
6Le catene muscolari e gli esercizi multiarticolariThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
7PushThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
8PullThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
9CoreThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
10LegThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
11Parametri e terminologiaThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
12La forza nell'allenamento funzionaleThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
13La resistenza nell'allenamento funzionaleThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
14L'adattabilità e la scalabilitàThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
15La prevalenza e la totalitàThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
16Attrezzature consigliateThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
17La struttura delle lezioniThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
18ProgrammazioneThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
19Sicurezza e assistenzaThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
Sezione 03 "Metodologia"
20AmrapThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
21CircuitThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
22TimedThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
23Work & RestThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
24LadderThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
25EmomThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
26AgilityThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
Sezione 04 "Tutorial e tecnica a corpo libero"
27Introduzione alla tecnica a corpo liberoThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
28Push upThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
29Pull UpThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
30Rope ClimbThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
31Jump RopeThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
32K2C - TTBThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
33Verticale sulla testaThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
34Verticale al muroThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
35HSPUThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
Sezione 05 "Tutorial e tecnica KTB"
36Introduzione all'uso dei ktbThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
37Swing - American swingThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
38Clean & Clean +pressThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
39PressThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
40SnatchThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
41AffondiThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
42SquatThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
43ThrusterThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
44Get up - TGUThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
45Wind millThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
Sezione 06 "Tutorial e tecnica bilancere"
46Introduzione all'uso deL bilancereThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
47Front squatThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
48Back squatThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
49StaccoThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
50SDHPThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
51Clean/Hang clean + pressThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
52Push pressThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
53AffondiThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
Sezione 07 "Tutorial e tecnica piccoli attrezzi"
54IntroduzioneThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
55AnelliThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
56Med ballThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
57BoxThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
58Buttle RopeThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
Sezione 08 "Didattica e tecniche di insegnamento"
59IntroduzioneThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
60La descrizioneThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
61Le dimostrazioneThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
62La prova direttaThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
63I punti di performanceThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
64La comunicazione verbale e non verbaleThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
Sezione 09 "Esame e certificazione"
Sezione 10 "Bonus"
Questo corso è certificato?
NO il corso rilascia un attestato di frequenza non riconosciuto, scopri i nostri corsi certificati inserendo nei filtri di ricerca "corsi certificati"
Per quanto avrò accesso al corso?
L'accesso a tutti i corsi firmati LD SPORTS ACADEMY è di 6 mesi.
Ci sono dei pre-requisiti per accedere al corso?
No, tutti possono accedere a questo corso.
Quanto dura il corso?
Puoi scoprire la durata del corso nella pagina della descrizione. La durata è stimata, perche' dipende dalla tua capacità di apprendimento, dalle competenze che giaà possiedi e dal tempo che dedichi alle esercitazioni pratiche
Dove posso seguire il corso?
Puoi seguire le video lezioni da qualsiasi dispositivo come smartphone, tablet o pc.
C'è un esame da sostenere?
Per verificare l'apprendimento e scaricare il diploma di partecipazione sono previsti alcuni quiz al termine dei moduli.
Cosa succede se non supero l'esame?
Puoi ripeterlo senza costi aggiuntivi
Posso sospendere il corso?
Si, ma solo in caso di emergenze, scrivendo a luca@ldsportsacademy.training, motivando la richiesta.
Ci sono costi aggiuntivi?
No, il doploma di partecipazione (previo superamento dell'esame) puoi scaricarlo gratuitamente
Quali sono le modalità di pagamento previste?
Il corso puoi pagarlo con carta di debito o credito oppure tramite bonifico bancario
Come posso ottenere supporto tecnico o assistenza?
E' attivo il supporto mail per tutta la durata del corso
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